The Urban Fantasy Anthology is shipping

The Urban Fantasy Anthology (eds. Peter S. Beagle & Joe R. Lansdale) is shipping from Tachyon. Along with stories by all kinds of luminaries in the field, it contains my novelette “Talking Back to the Moon,” which is an excerpt from Avalon Burning, the Change novel I really should have finished by now.

According to the UFA the story is an example of “noir fantasy.” Who knew?

If I’m not mistaken from my reading of Joe Lansdale’s excellent introduction to the section, he doesn’t care all that much for such sub-subgenre labeling. Good for you, Joe. Neither do I. Or for such subgenre labeling. Or really even genre labeling. But clearly plenty of writers have no problem at all with such designations. I imagine they sleep better than I do.

One Reply to “The Urban Fantasy Anthology is shipping”

  1. Since finding you online, and being so “prolific”, I must say, I have some catching up to do. I had long searched the used book stores looking for anything by you.

    Come to find out, you’ve been chiseling out your genius in all these anthologies. My new best friend is amazon and let’s just say when the postman arrives this week, I’ll be “Drifting off the Coast of New Mexico”. Until then, I’ll just be LIVING there…

    “Maybe I shouldn’t have asked for brains.”

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