Name Your Price for ARIEL + 3 Novels – One Week Left!


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I’m delighted that my first novel, Ariel, has been included in a unicorn-themed Humble Bundle curated by Peter S. Beagle, author of the classic The Last Unicorn.

Humble Bundle’s innovative, DRM-free ebook bundles let you name your own price and choose how your money is allocated.  As little as $1.00 gets you  Ariel; Unicorn Mountain, by Michael Bishop; Homeward Bound, by Bruce Coville; and Unicorn Triangle, by Patricia McKillip.

For $8.00 you get five more books, and  $15.00 gets you five more. That’s 14 books for as little as $15.

Proceeds will benefit the World Wide Fund for Nature and Fauna & Flora International., so you can elect to pay more than the minimum prices and still get a fantastic deal while knowing that your money is going to a good cause.

The offer ends Wednesday, May 3, so don’t delay!